Friday, March 16

Spring Break, WOOO!

ladies and gentlemen, (okay, lady or gentleman)--I don't think this blog gets many hits, probably because I don't blog very regularly, and have alienated my small group of once loyal readers. also, maybe 'cause I'm boring. anyway. somehow, I just blew threw finals week, and uncharacteristically, didn't even blog about it. week 11 (of the academic quarter) is typically my most prolific blogging time, but not winter 2007, rest its soul--oh no--not this time. nada. (perhaps that's why I'm actually finished with my papers--on time, no less?) If you recall my finals breakdown a few months back, you are aware of the anxiety, sleeplessness, chronic writer's block and general insanity that tends to afflict me during these parts of the academic year. what, you may ask, did I do differently this time? I'm trying to figure that out myself, since I'd like to do it again. I did make lots of new year's resolutions and I'm pretty sure on-time papers were intended in there somewhere, and I'm still flossing regularly, but the other ones pretty much all fell by the wayside. oh, and it probably helped that I didn't get hungover this time. baby steps. at the start of the quarter, I entertained the notion of joining the anti-procrastination graduate student group at the school counseling center, but then a few weeks went by, and ironically enough, it seemed too late. I sort of started my research earlier than usual, and that probably helped. but I'm crediting my successes to Jesus...and vitamin C. I guess the first is sort of self-explanatory. I've been praying a lot lately, and He has answered my persistent petitions. not far behind the care of the soul is the care of the body. on that front, I've been ingesting massive amounts of vitamin C in the form of Trader Darwin's Vitamin + Mineral Drink Booster Mix. I get an immediate lift from the fizzy raspberry goodness (could be all the B vitamins, those are important, too), and it makes me feel focused, not jittery. I'm like a pusher for vitamin C--hey kids, ya wanna try some drugs?? I did a little research, and it turns out, humans are very rare in that, unlike 99.8% of other mammals, we lack the enzymatic pathways to create our own vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant, and apparently some nobel laureate thinks it's a miracle cure for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, etc. I read somewhere that goats, for instance, make loads of the stuff under stress as a way to increase their bodies' immunity. anyway, it worked for me, and it just might work for you, too. better living through chemistry, right?

so after you've prayed and taken lots of vitamins, and turned in your papers, I recommend making yourself a nice rum and coke. (p.s., if you refer to your drink as a "Cuba Libre," it makes it seem like you're making a political statement and that you're all suave and socially conscious--or maybe not at all, but that's what I like to do). I enjoyed two tonight. And now I'm going to prepare to hit the beach.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.



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