Monday, August 14

okay, so i'm not british (and you don't have to be, either)

frankly, with all the transcontinental security issues as of late, i'm surprised this blog name wasn't taken--that and all the hordes of arrested development fans out there (of whom i hope you are one). you oughta be. in fact, that's probably the only prerequisite for reading this blog. well, that and basic literacy.

as a grad student at the greatest school on earth (if you don't know, i'm not going to tell least, not yet) i've been schooled in the postmodern style of self-disclosure, taught to articulate 1) why i'm writing and 2) what i hope to accomplish thereby, and 3) my modus operandi: (1) peer pressure - many of my friends have blogs, and i enjoy "hearing" their voices as i read about the inner workings of their hilariously twisted minds and various exploits; (2) prolificacy - (which is a real word according to i'm a very slow writer who has, in recent years, become rather notorious for long-overdue papers. i'm hoping that, rather than becoming a vehicle for procrastination, that this blog may help me to overcome some of my writer's block; and finally, (3) posterity - since the age of fifteen, i have always had summer jobs (with one exception when no one wanted to hire an individual with half-a-master's-degree from (un)said greatest school on earth). my new husband, who has chosen a sensible and urbane career for himself, has willingly agreed to support my life of the mind until i return to school in in late september, and i've found myself with quite a bit of time on my hands for thoughtful reflection (or at least thoughts). sometimes they seem worth pursuing in greater depth, but i find they often slip away, hence the need to capture them for further contemplation and the possibility of insight from others (i suspect that possibility, gentle reader, is indeed probable!)


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